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Our approach

We aim to practice childminding with a Forest School ethos. Now as fully qualified Forest School leaders we are accompanying the children into the woods for Forest School sessions most days. This means going out in sun AND rain! Forest School sessions vary between 2 hours and all day depending on the mood of the group.


We take a very flexible, child-centred approach in the planning of the daily activities depending on the children's moods and interests. We go on regular trips nearby and further afield (see below) where, if appropriate, we try to incorporate Forest School aspects.


Forest School activities

Forest School Activities include:


  • Exploring

  • Den Building

  • Woodland art and crafts

  • Paddling in shallow water

  • Bug Hunting

  • Getting muddy, and having fun!


There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing


We provide high quality waterproof clothing for the children but do request that parents dress kids otherwise appropriately for the weather.


Have a look at the Forest School gallery to see what we get up to.


Read more about Forest School here.

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Our allotment

Over the last few years we have development an allotment plot into an amazing growing space and adventure playground. 



On the raised beds we work with the children to plant vegetables and look after them. We now also have a large poly tunnel, in which we can grow more exciting plants and where we can also shelter when it's very wet and/or cold.



We have four lovely chickens on the allotment. The children really enjoy feeding them and collecting the eggs.



The allotment currently features a large treehouse, mudkitchen, rope swings, pulley systems, a woodland den, fire pit and much much more. Most of the allotment was developed together with the children (read our approach here), which we continue to do.



Other activities and trips

At home we provide stimulating and fun play both indoors and outside in our garden, including painting, messy play, water play, imaginative play, and we include the children as much as possible in cooking and preparing meals. You can also often find us playing in the Greenbank Cemetery and visit St Werburghs and Windmill Hill City Farms. Since the DragonBird theatre has started doing children's theatre performances at The Greenbank, we have been taking the children there every month.


We regularly take children on trips slightly further afield. We have Membership of:


What Ofsted says about our activities

"Children are offered a highly stimulating, motivating and nurturing experience at this setting. The childminder's methods of teaching mean that children are given exceptionally inspiring opportunities to develop and learn. The clear focus and understanding of the Early Years Foundation Stage means that children's chances to progress their learning are exemplary. Resources that reflect the ages and abilities of the children who attend have been skilfully selected to ensure that children's individual needs are met. Specifically planned activities give children the opportunity to learn as they play."


"Daily activities are flexible and geared towards the children's interests. For instance, if the children are happy, stimulated and keen to learn, the activity will last as long as the childminder feels the learning is enhanced. Tasks are versatile and because there is a distinct knowledge of the children and consistent observation whilst they play accurate interventions are made to sustain interest or change the activity accordingly. The children's interest and involvement is of the highest priority."


"Daily outings to the library, park and local attractions mean that children are given a broad range of experiences that complement their learning. Children go on regular nature walks and collect 'treasure' that they take back to the house to make pictures with. This continuity of learning and experiences stimulates reflection and helps children to remember their experiences. Connections promote conversations that strengthen children's understanding of the world around them."

* All pictures are published with parents' permission

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